All Medical Services

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Featured Services

These are our special exams

1. General medicines for both outpatients (OPD) and Inpatients (IPD)
5. Radiology& Imaging (X-ray, Ultra sound, Echo, ECG, etc)
9. Tuberculosis care and treatment clinic (TB)
13. Gender Based Violence (GBV) prevention education and support.
17. Dental services
2. Surgery (both minor and major operations)
6. Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) services.
10. Outreach and Community Based Health Services (CBHS)
14. Male Circumcision (MC) services.
18. Eye Clinic services
3. Diagnostic & Pathology services (Laboratory)
7. HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC)
11. Prevention from mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS (PMTCT)
15. Orphans and most vulnerable children services (MVC)
4. Obstetrics & Gynaecology services
8. Care and Treatment Clinic for HIV+ clients (CTC)
12. Health Education (including prevention, medication and lifestyle).
16. Infusion production (sterile water & paracetamol syrups for children).